Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Evgeny Bachurin  Ballad about Poets  www.davar.net - Russian songs 
 2. Billy Golden and Joe Hughes  The two poets  Edison Amberol: 663 
 3. Hail  The Poets  Hello Debris 
 4. Billy Golden and Joe Hughes  The two poets  Edison Blue Amberol: 2101 
 5. The Tragically Hip  Poets    
 6. The Tragically Hip  Poets  Live 2004/11/27 London, ON  
 7. Hail  The Poets  Hello Debris 
 8. Jayber Crow  What Poets Know  Tour Sampler 
 9. The Ex  Poets   
 10. Friedrich Nietzsche, transl. Thomas Common  39 - Poets  Thus Spake Zarathustra 
 11. Friedrich Nietzsche, transl. Thomas Common  39 - Poets  Thus Spake Zarathustra 
 12. Oscar Wilde, ed. Robert Ross  67 - The Poets' Corner--VI  Reviews 
 13. Oscar Wilde, ed. Robert Ross  62 - The Poets' Corner--IV  Reviews 
 14. Takako Arai, Kiriu Minashita, Kyong-Mi Park, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Sawako Nakayasu  Introduction by the Poets  Poets House, NYC; November 15, 2006 
 15. Oscar Wilde, ed. Robert Ross  86 - The Poets' Corner--IX  Reviews 
 16. Oscar Wilde, ed. Robert Ross  69 - The Poets' Corner--VII  Reviews 
 17. Takako Arai, Kiriu Minashita, Kyong-Mi Park, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Sawako Nakayasu  Introduction by the Poets  Poets House, NYC; November 15, 2006 
 18. Fujasaki  Poets Dying   
 19. Erika Meitner  QA Meitner 2 Poets  From the Fishouse 
 20. featuring Nathaniel Mackey  Conversations with Poets  New York / 2002 
 21. featuring Nathaniel Mackey  Conversations with Poets  New York / 2002 
 22. featuring Nathaniel Mackey  Conversations with Poets  New York / 2002 
 23. featuring Nathaniel Mackey  Conversations with Poets  New York / 2002 
 24. Fujasaki  Poets dying  Quietly happy and deep inside - Covers and remixes 
 25. Fujasaki  Poets dying  Quietly happy and deep inside - Covers and remixes 
 26. Fujasaki  Poets Dying   
 27. Oscar Wilde, ed. Robert Ross  64 - The Poets' Corner--V  Reviews 
 28. Oscar Wilde, ed. Robert Ross  48 - The Poets' Corner--III  Reviews 
 29. Perelman  Nine Poets Reading   
 30. Perelman  Nine Poets Reading   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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